Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Nativity

Yes, I'm still trying to blog about Christmas in January. Every year we have the Lyman kids act out the nativity scene. Jacob is old enough now that he can read the story, while the younger kids do the acting. They all like to dress up, but having them stand all together in one place for a few minutes is very difficult. Especially with five of the kids being age 2 and under. But we do the best we can, and all of the adults enjoy watching them. We also took at cousin picture this year. Thanks to grandma and grandpa for the cute Christmas clothes!

Joseph and Mary (Teagan and Madi) - Don't they look happy!

All of the kids, at least part of them (Jacob's feet)

Two of the wise men (Quin and Jared). They were pretty happy about the presents, until they found out that they didn't get to open them.

Trying to take a picture of all of the actors. It didn't work out very well!

Mom and kids.

Pretty Angel Taryn

The Lyman cousins


  1. I found you and Liz Higginson in the blog world tonight. Now I have to go find Autumn. Cute blog, Jamie.
